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This project work tries to examine communication its effective management of star printing and publishing company limited Enugu State
The printing industry in Nigeria just like the other industries is quite an enterprising one over the years it has continued to enjoy favovrable government gestures politics and stands to receive more judging from the trend of government emphasis in the development of the industry for example the opening of the Oku- Iboku new sprint manufacturing plant in cross River state howver as business continues to grow so does the industry need to be reviewing its communication system to meet the challenge posed by the growth? Therefore the industry embark on involving the  staff in the communication process to be aware of activities in the industry and to continue to follow the trends of evant  of the company.
It is expected that with the involvement of the staff in the communication process the communication process in the organization becomes more effective hence management ability enhanced.
The researcher therefore wanted to find out if such efficient communications do exist in the star printing publishing company limited.
For the purpose of this study the researches made use of both library research personal interview and the survey approach and found out that there was encouragement of direct contact between top management and employees that can detect a problem in the organization that the communication feed back mechanism existing in the organizaiton needs a little re-organization and that there is a difference in the way communication is disseminated in the organizaiton.
Hence the researcher advanced some pertinent recommendation on the need for elaborate and clearly written down procedures of communication was advocated and finally the researcher highlighted the importance of effective feedback mechanism

The star printing and publishing company limited Enugu was born on the 1st October 1975.  it took from the reliable  publishing company ltd. Publishing of renaissances newspaper.  The maiden publication was launched in October 1st 1975 and was called daily star” and subsequently “ the star” was adapted by the company the company is managed by men if proven integrity in the field of management. They realize the important role of communication play in any business set up in order to propagate this role workers of different position in the company have been sent on course both in service and long term overseas training in order to achieve improved performance it is disheartening therefore to finds out that after all these efforts the communication system in the organizaiton continued to deteriorate.  In the words of EB flipo et ab commumcation serves as a lubricant that faster the smooth operation of the management process.  In contrast to what is obtained these days in business organizaiton, which is characterized, by management directive and authoritarian behaviour of management.
Adequate communication system ensures flexibility and   offers the management and subordinate the opportunity not only to identify problems but also to co-operate in designing solution to them. The cause of communication problem in the company could be attributed to the fact that individual differs.
This is problem that a company inherits because they are common to the society individual are born with different potentialities they also must have had different experience during their childhood youths and as adult   they have had employers an supervisor who have exerted a variety of influence upon than problem arising from the company psychological climate which tends to obstruct communication.  One organization may be permissive in that employees allowed expressing them selves freely and encouraging participating in way of the important activities.  Another organizaiton may be autocratic that individuals are expected to express their opinion and otherwise discouraged from engaging in participative activities expect in rare instance such might be the case of star printing company limited Enugu.

Mechanical inefficiency could also be the cause of the problem in the company. This advanced in the same that they originate from lack of proper facilities on means of communication like telex telephone telegrams fax machines etc.  These factors on tools used for receiving or sanding urgent business information when any of these equipment is not functioning proper information flow is distorted and this is in the interest of the organization this study intends to survey the various ways by which the management of the above named company communication with its environment it is no exaggeration to say that the communication function is the means by which organized activity is unified communication may be cooked up as the means by which behaviours is modified change is effected information is made  productive and organizational goals are achieved. Whether we are considering business enterprise the transfer of information from one individual to another is absolutely essential.  Acting as a binder communication provides information that garden both the smallest subunit and entire complex towards organization goal accomplishment.
Communication is essential for internal function any organization because it integrate the management function special communication is needed to establish and disseminate goods to develop and arouse members of the organization to lead direct motivate and create a climate in which people wants to contribute.  Communication also relate the enterprise to is external environment it is through information exchange that controlled of he division are aware of how their products are.  And also through communication an organizaiton comes into an open system interaction with is environment


Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Hypothesis/ research question 
1.5 Significance of study
1.6 Scope of study/ Definition
1.7 Definition of terms
2.1 Definition of communication
2.2 Characteristic of effective communication
2.3 Need for effective communication
2.4 Feedback as aid to effective communication 
2.5 Barriers to effective communication
2.6 Summary of related literature

3.1 Research design
3.2 Data collection 
3.3 Research instrument 
3.4 Research procedure 
3.5 Method of data analysis
3.6 Distribution and retrieve of questionnaire
3.7 Validation and reliability of the instrument 

4.1 Data analysis

5.1 Finding 
5.2 Summary
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Implications
5.5 Recommendation 
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+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM4650
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 66 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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